Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Itty Bitty Longies and a few new colorways

Here are some itty bitty longies for a sweet little babe. I had so much fun making these, they are so sweet and tiny!

A custom colorway for a very sweet mama
And a surprise for that itty bitty babe, a hat knit from the Ky baby ear cozy pattern, soooo much fun to knit and it was a quick knit too! I love longies but it was fun to do something out of the ordinary. Would love to see action pics 'wink wink'

And another colorway from our 'safari' themed stocking, this one is still available at creative mamas congo in a collaboration with chubby cheeks! I have a few more that I will upload tomorrow to share.
As for my WIPs, ah they are many and I feel like I've had a difficult time getting to my knitting lately. Between a teething baby, colds, and a flooded basement I've been getting behind. I am vowing to spend late nights catching up, even if my dear husband hates me for it :)
I am just about finished with Diane's second longies and a good way into little Mia Bella's longies. As for Brieanne's vest I got a few inches into it and realized I had the colors mixed up and was doing the increases incorrectly, so I've frogged it and will be starting over. Thanks for your patience!

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